Holiday static caravan for sale
An Nestling beneath the southdowns in West Sussex located on a small quiet site that is beautifully landscaped and cared for by Keith and Carol, the site managers. The Pemberton Abingdon is a luxury and well appointed home with 2 bedrooms, Suitable for retired or semi-retired and rcise to keep healthy........and sane! This concession is just one outing per day. Perhaps a dog walk, a walk to the allotment (Michael Gove says its OK) or a jog, run or walk. We are mixing the week up with one day a walk, followed by next day a jog, a walk to the allotment, a jog, a walk........and a 'free' day. Every day it is 30 mins of indoors exercise, stretches etc. and today was the free-day with a spring clean at home. The outside bit is no driving to the exercise, just walk from home. We are spoilt, as miles of tracks are straight from our front door and it appears no time or distance have been advised for our once-per-day routine. We like to time our 'outs' when no one, or very few are around.
It seems that families take to the tracks in the afternoons from 2-5pm and all day on Saturday and Sunday! Weather this first week has been glorious but if it should change will the fair-weather walkers stay at home? We 'freedom parkrun' on Friday at 9am after walking to the start up the steep incline and this week we had a 'virtual' coffee and cake at the closed cafe afterwards, taking advantage of the empty outside seating.......its all a bit weird! We are hoping the population sticks to government advice and the peak comes in the modelled 2-3 weeks. If not, we fear that not only more deaths occur but a bigger restriction on our movements that could mean we all self-isolate.........end of walks......!
Some better news 30th March briefing is that the upward curve appears to be going up at a less steep angle. If this carries on then the peak will flatten and mean the NHS will be able to cope! However it does mean the time we lockdown will extend. All of this is from models on an unknown enemy but any news like this is good news........talking of which, and prior to this, we did our daily walk around the beautiful woods just around lunchtime to avoid others. It was pretty cold and not too much sunshine so numbers we experience on Saturday were well down. We walked at a pace for 7.5km and came home a little warm before we went back to the routine on shower, books, eat, laptop, facebook, WhatsApp and books. This longer and shorter walking days, just once per day and no driving went on right through April and May ........right up to the 13th when Boris announced we could exercise all day and even drive to a place to exercise .......and even picnic! Just no contact still with family and friends except!!! One person other than your household to meet with, chat, exercise etc. ALWAYS AT TWO METRES DISTANCE. So Tennis, singles only, golf but don't lift the flag or play with partners balls and equipment. Football with one other but social distance still applies, you get the jist! This has led to questions and many quips & clips on Facebook etc. We can meet one family member only but it is discouraged otherwise hugging may take place and this would be against the rules! Swimming not in public pool or sea where there may be no lifeguard and risk of being rescued and putting coastguard at risk. Lake and river is fine....urghh? Boarding, kayak, dinghy....all OK with common sense.
Its July and the pandemic is still sweeping the world but in Europe, Asia, Australasia and the UK things are getting back to a new 'norm.' The curve is flattened but here in the UK we are still 'not out of the woods.' Parts of the UK are recording low or no deaths but England still has around 85 per day! The easing of lockdown has lead to a slight rise in infections but NHS, track& trace say they can cope! Our local Ramblers have come up with a cunning plan to comply with the 6 x friends from different households. Named as SGW or Small Group Walks. Approved by HQ guidance we have a spreadsheet where a maximum of 5 walkers join the Walk Leader by booking their place. We have just finished the first of these booked events and all was well. It may even work for a pub lunch after.......but that is a little way off as most of us ageing walkers are still a bit dubious of a full-blown pub visit. So no car sharing, trying to keep 2metres, carry gloves and hand sanitiser, avoid styles and gates if possible.........oh, enjoy yourselves!